An Edition of Thomas Cranmer's "Great Commonplaces": Volume One, Cranmer on Scripture
FAIN: FB-52015-05
John Ashley Null
Unaffiliated Independent Scholar (Yonkers, NY 10707)
To finish the first volume of a four-volume critical edition of Thomas Cranmer's "Great Commonplaces" (BL Royal MSS 7.B.XI and XII) for Oxford University Press. Written in abbreviated Latin, the crucial but unpublished manuscript consists of over 1100 pages of quotations from patristic, medieval and Reformation-era theologians, with marginalia and occasional commentary. The edition will provide a both a Latin transcription and an English translation as well as a textual apparatus and theological commentary. Volume One examines Cranmer's understanding of the use and authority of Scripture, with particular reference to the influence of Renaissance Neoplatonism and German Reformation thought on his views.