Archaeologist Field Agents in the Office of Strategic Services' Greek Desk
FAIN: FB-52561-06
Susan Heuck Allen
Smith College (Providence, RI 02918-7000)
Although the presence of academics in World War II intelligence is a familiar theme, the full story is far from known. I have uncovered evidence of a far deeper and broader collaboration than previously thought. The Greek Desk of the OSS in Cairo, Istanbul, Izmir, and Cyprus in 1943-1944 was exceptionally effective because of efficient working relationships established between archaeologists on excavations in Greece and Turkey in the 1930s, forged in the field before the war began. Whereas the intelligence activities of the British in the Middle East Theatre are documented,those of the Americans have been little-explored. The Americans' position has ramifications concerning the political alignment of the US and Britain in the post war era.