
Research Programs: Fellowships for College Teachers and Independent Scholars

Period of Performance

7/1/2008 - 6/30/2009

Funding Totals

$40,000.00 (approved)
$40,000.00 (awarded)

Reasons From Within: Motivation and Practical Reasons

FAIN: FB-52953-07

Alan H. Goldman
College of William and Mary (Williamsburg, VA 23186-0002)

I plan to write a book that will defend a modified Humean internalist view of practical reasoning and practical reasons. This account holds that the reasons we have for acting in various ways are determined and limited by the motivations we have. Practical reasoning aims at coherence among motivations, intentions, and actions. Practical reasons are states of affairs constituted as reasons by informed and coherent motivational sets, including deep concerns, dispositions to behavior, evaluative judgments, and various other mental states. This economical account of practical reason, which shows its unity with theoretical reason, will be defended against major objections by proponents of external reasons and objective values.

Associated Products

Reasons from Within: Desires and Values (Book)
Title: Reasons from Within: Desires and Values
Abstract: All practical reasons derive from motivations and ultimately from deepest concerns. Objections from externalists about reasons are answered, and arguments against the existence of objective values are provided.
Year: 2009
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Type: Single author monograph
ISBN: 9780199576906