
Research Programs: Fellowships for College Teachers and Independent Scholars

Period of Performance

7/1/2009 - 6/30/2010

Funding Totals

$50,400.00 (approved)
$50,400.00 (awarded)

Martha Jefferson Randolph

FAIN: FB-54107-09

Cynthia Anne Kierner
University of North Carolina, Charlotte (Charlotte, NC 28223-0001)

"Martha Jefferson Randolph" will be one of very few scholarly biographies of American women who lived before the 1830s. Daughter of President Thomas Jefferson, wife of a governor, mother of future Confederates and one future Unionist, Randolph (1772-1836) was an educated and articulate woman in her own right. My book will address key interpretive issues in early American, southern, and especially women's history and appeal to specialists and general readers by telling an engaging story and providing a window onto the lives and concerns of elite southern women and their families in a crucial transitional era. Primary research for this project has been completed. The book will be divided into eight chapters, of which one has been drafted to date. I seek NEH funding for release time from teaching during the 2009-10 academic year, during which I will produce a complete press-ready manuscript if this proposal is funded.

Media Coverage

Finalist for the George Washington Book Prize (Review)
Author(s): Ron Charles
Publication: Washington Post
Date: 7/20/2016
URL: http://

Winner of the Julia Cherry Spruill Prize (Review)
Publication: Southern Association for Women Historians
Date: 7/20/2016
Abstract: Best Book in Southern Women's History

Winner of the Richard Slatten Prize (Review)
Publication: Virginia Historical Society
Date: 7/20/2016
Abstract: Best Virginia Biography
URL: http://

Martha Jefferson Randolph (Review)
Author(s): Priscilla Taylor
Publication: Washington Times
Date: 7/20/2016
URL: http://

Impertinent Questions (Media Coverage)
Author(s): Meredith Hindley
Publication: Humanities
Date: 7/20/2016
URL: http://

Associated Products

Martha Randolph Jefferson, Daughter of Monticello: Her Life and Times (Book)
Title: Martha Randolph Jefferson, Daughter of Monticello: Her Life and Times
Author: Cynthia A. Kierner
Abstract: ...
Year: 2012
Publisher: Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press
Type: Single author monograph
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