A Study and Translation of the Chunqiu fanlu (The Luxuriant Gem of the Spring and Autumn Annals)
FAIN: FB-54265-09
Sarah Ann Queen
Connecticut College (New London, CT 06320-4125)
This project is a study and translation of the Chunqiu fanlu (Luxuriant Dew of the Spring and Autumn Annals), a text so named because it is an extended commentary on the Spring and Autumn Annals, a court chronicle covering the years 722-481 B.C.E., revered by many early Chinese thinkers because it was closely associated with Confucius. My proposed study and translation of the Chunqiu fanlu will serve as the premiere introduction to one of the last monumental works of the Western Han (206 B.C.E. -220 C.E.) yet to be brought to an English speaking audience. The Chunqiu fanlu preserves the ideas of Dong Zhongshu (ca. 195-105 B.C.E.), preeminent Confucian statesman and philosopher of the Han dynasty. His vision of empire ultimately triumphed over his rivals, making him one of the chief architects of a conception of empire that was to persist until 1912.