
Research Programs: Fellowships for College Teachers and Independent Scholars

Period of Performance

7/1/2010 - 6/30/2011

Funding Totals

$50,400.00 (approved)
$50,400.00 (awarded)

Infants and Infancy in 20th-Century America

FAIN: FB-54782-10

Janet Golden
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Camden (Camden, NJ 08102-1405)

I am writing a history of babies in the 20th-century United States. This will be the first book to analyze the dramatic transformations in the lives of babies resulting from ongoing changes in American life in the domains of medicine, the marketplace, politics, demography, family life and popular culture.

Associated Products

“Medicine, Money and Modernity: What the Baby Books Tell Us” (Conference Paper/Presentation)
Title: “Medicine, Money and Modernity: What the Baby Books Tell Us”
Author: Janet Golden
Abstract: Baby Books as historical sources.
Date: 10/11/2010
Date: 10/10/2010
Conference Name: Huntington/USC Institute on California and the West, Working Group on the History of Medicine and Public Health,

“Hollywood and the Helpless Husband” (Blog Post)
Title: “Hollywood and the Helpless Husband”
Author: Janet Golden
Abstract: Post about men taking care of babies in Hollywood movies
Date: 8/12/2012
Primary URL:
Blog Title: 'Hollywood and the Helpless Husband"
Website: Women's Voices for Change

“The United States Children’s Bureau: Time for a Revival?” (Blog Post)
Title: “The United States Children’s Bureau: Time for a Revival?”
Author: Janet Golden
Abstract: About the US Children's Bureau
Date: 10/23/2012
Primary URL: http:// revival.html
Blog Title: The United States Children’s Bureau: Time for a Revival?”
Website: The Public's Health

“Government-sponsored Health Care’s Success (in World War II) (Blog Post)
Title: “Government-sponsored Health Care’s Success (in World War II)
Author: Janet Golden
Abstract: About the EMIC program for Maternity, Infancy Care of servicemen's families in WW2
Date: 4/21/2014
Secondary URL: http:/ success-in-World-War-II.html
Blog Title: “Government-sponsored Health Care’s Success (in World War II)
Website: The Public's Health

Rickets Returns; What Ever Happened to Cod Liver Oil?” (Blog Post)
Title: Rickets Returns; What Ever Happened to Cod Liver Oil?”
Author: Janet Golden
Abstract: About government support for giving babies cod liver oil
Date: 7/18/2014
Secondary URL: liver-oil.html
Blog Title: “Rickets Returns; What Ever Happened to Cod Liver Oil?”
Website: The Public's Health

“Remember What ‘Aunt Sammy’ said…about babies and drafts?” (Blog Post)
Title: “Remember What ‘Aunt Sammy’ said…about babies and drafts?”
Author: Janet Golden
Abstract: About infant care advice from the government delivered over the radio in the 1930s
Date: 10/7/2015
Primary URL: said---- about-fans-and-babies.html
Blog Title: “Remember What ‘Aunt Sammy’ said…about babies and drafts?”
Website: The Public's Health

“What Will Today’s Immigration Detention Centers Look Like to Future Americans?” (Blog Post)
Title: “What Will Today’s Immigration Detention Centers Look Like to Future Americans?”
Author: Janet Golden
Abstract: About infants and children in Japanese American internment camps in WW2 compared to modern detention centers
Date: 6/22/2016
Primary URL: http:// will-todays-immigration-detention-centers-look-like-to-future-Americans-.html
Blog Title: “What Will Today’s Immigration Detention Centers Look Like to Future Americans?”
Website: The Public's Health

Rickets Returns; What Ever Happened to Cod Liver Oil?” (Blog Post)
Title: Rickets Returns; What Ever Happened to Cod Liver Oil?”
Author: Janet Golden
Abstract: About government support for giving babies cod liver oil
Date: 7/18/2014
Secondary URL: liver-oil.html
Blog Title: “Rickets Returns; What Ever Happened to Cod Liver Oil?”
Website: The Public's Health

Babies Made Us Modern (Conference Paper/Presentation)
Title: Babies Made Us Modern
Author: Janet Golden
Abstract: Paper on infants and modernity in the United States delivered at the University of Manchester UK Centre for the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine
Date: 6/20/2011
Conference Name: Seminar: University of Manchester UK Centre for the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine

Monitoring Parents: Science, Evidence, Experts, and the New Parenting Culture (Conference Paper/Presentation)
Title: Monitoring Parents: Science, Evidence, Experts, and the New Parenting Culture
Author: Janet Golden
Abstract: Keynote Panel, University of Kent, Canterbury, Centre for Parenting Culture Studies
Date: 6/25/2011

The 100th Anniversary of the United States Children’s Bureau: Looking Back at Successes and Failures,” (Conference Paper/Presentation)
Title: The 100th Anniversary of the United States Children’s Bureau: Looking Back at Successes and Failures,”
Author: Janet Golden
Abstract: Paper on the History of the US Children's Bureau at annual meeting of the American Public Health Association
Date: 10/28/2012
Conference Name: American Public Health Association

The 100th Anniversary of the United States Children’s Bureau: Looking Back at Successes and Failures,” (Conference Paper/Presentation)
Title: The 100th Anniversary of the United States Children’s Bureau: Looking Back at Successes and Failures,”
Author: Janet Golden
Abstract: Paper on the History of the US Children's Bureau
Date: 10/28/2012
Conference Name: American Public Health Association Annual Meeting

Babies Made Us Modern (Conference Paper/Presentation)
Title: Babies Made Us Modern
Author: Janet Golden
Abstract: Paper on infants lives in babies books
Date: 10/10/2013
Conference Name: Seminar: Social Studies of Medicine Department, McGill University, Canada

Rickets, Cod Liver Oil, and the U.S. Government (Conference Paper/Presentation)
Title: Rickets, Cod Liver Oil, and the U.S. Government
Author: Janet Golden
Abstract: History of government programs combatting rickets in babies
Date: 6/15/2014
Conference Name: Annual Meeting, Society for the Social History of Medicine, Oxford, UK

Babies Made Us Modern (Conference Paper/Presentation)
Title: Babies Made Us Modern
Author: Janet Golden
Abstract: History of babies seen in baby books
Date: 3/15/2015
Conference Name: Seminar: History Department, University of Sydney, Australia

Babies Made Us Modern (Conference Paper/Presentation)
Title: Babies Made Us Modern
Author: Janet Golden
Abstract: History of infants through baby books
Date: 4/15/2015
Conference Name: Seminar: History Department, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia

"Resisting Scientific Medicine: Folk Practices, Medicine Men & Old Ladies" (Conference Paper/Presentation)
Title: "Resisting Scientific Medicine: Folk Practices, Medicine Men & Old Ladies"
Author: Janet Golden
Abstract: Folk medicine care of infants
Date: 10/15/2015
Conference Name: Annual Meeting, History of Science Society

Babies Made Us Modern (Conference Paper/Presentation)
Title: Babies Made Us Modern
Author: Janet Golden
Abstract: History of babies seen in baby books
Date: 3/15/2015
Conference Name: Seminar: History Department, University of Sydney, Australia

“’Doctor’s Don’t Do So Much Good:’ Traditional Practices, Biomedicine, and Infant Care in the 20th Century United States,” (Article)
Title: “’Doctor’s Don’t Do So Much Good:’ Traditional Practices, Biomedicine, and Infant Care in the 20th Century United States,”
Author: Janet Golden
Abstract: folk medicine for infants
Year: 2017
Format: Journal
Periodical Title: Nursing History Review
Publisher: Nursing History Review

“’Modern Medical Science and the Devine Providence of God”: Rethinking the Place of Religion in Postwar U.S. Medical History,” (Article)
Title: “’Modern Medical Science and the Devine Providence of God”: Rethinking the Place of Religion in Postwar U.S. Medical History,”
Author: Janet Golden
Author: Emily Abel
Abstract: Infant and child deaths
Year: 2014
Periodical Title: Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences
Publisher: Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences

The United States Children’s Bureau and Pediatric Medicine: A Retrospective Analysis," (Article)
Title: The United States Children’s Bureau and Pediatric Medicine: A Retrospective Analysis,"
Author: Jeffrey Brosco
Author: Janet Golden
Abstract: History of the US children's Bureau
Year: 2012
Periodical Title: Pediatrics
Publisher: Pediatrics

Babies Made Us Modern: How Infants Brought America into the Twentieth Century (Book)
Title: Babies Made Us Modern: How Infants Brought America into the Twentieth Century
Author: Janet Golden
Abstract: Placing babies' lives at the center of her narrative, historian Janet Golden analyzes the dramatic transformations in the lives of American babies during the twentieth century. She examines how babies shaped American society and culture and led their families into the modern world to become more accepting of scientific medicine, active consumers, open to new theories of human psychological development, and welcoming of government advice and programs. Importantly Golden also connects the reduction in infant mortality to the increasing privatization of American lives. She also examines the influence of cultural traditions and religious practices upon the diversity of infant lives, exploring the ways class, race, region, gender, and community shaped life in the nursery and household.
Year: 2018
Publisher: New York: Cambridge University Press
Type: Single author monograph
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