Divine and Human Love in the Islamic Tradition
FAIN: FB-54907-10
William C. Chittick
SUNY Research Foundation, Stony Brook (Stony Brook, NY 11794-0001)
I plan to write a substantial book, arranged thematically, that will describe the role of love in Islamic thought and culture from the earliest period down into the nineteenth century. The narrative will be interspersed with detailed quotations from the most seminal theologians, philosophers, and mystics and will be seasoned with selections from Arab and Persian poets. The text will be aimed at undergraduates and general readers; ample apparatus, including a comprehensive index, will make it a useful tool for graduate students and scholars. Themes that will be illustrated in depth include God as love, God's love for creation generally and human beings specifically, human love for God, human love for creation and other human beings, love as the force that brings the universe into existence and then closes the gap between God and human beings, and love as the energy that establishes human perfection on the moral, ethical, and spiritual planes.