Translations of Two Peripatetic Philosophical Works of the Islamic Neoplatonist Suhrawardi
FAIN: FB-55567-11
John Walbridge
Trustees of Indiana University (Bloomington, IN 47405-7000)
A translation of two philosophical works by the 12th century Islamic Neoplatonist al-Suhrawardi, who was one of the two key figures in the transition between the earlier Islamic Aristotelianism and the later Neoplatonic tradition of Islamic philosophy that survives to the present. These works, a summa entitled the Intimations and a collection of notes on it entitled the Oppositions, are responses to the Peripatetic philosophy of Avicenna and his followers. These works are key to understanding Suhrawardi’s thought and its use by the later Islamic philosophical tradition, but have been neglected due to the lack of complete editions or translations. The texts together are about 65,000 words in Arabic or 100,000 words in English.