
Research Programs: Fellowships for College Teachers and Independent Scholars

Period of Performance

10/1/2010 - 9/30/2011

Funding Totals

$22,820.00 (approved)
$22,820.00 (awarded)

The Innovators III

FAIN: FB-56002-10

David P. Billington, Jr
Unaffiliated Independent Scholar (Santa Monica, CA 90401-2048)

My project is to complete the third volume of a trilogy of bookson the history of major American engineering innovations. The initial volume by David P. Billington, Sr., The Innovators (John Wiley and Sons 1996), covered the first century of American independence. The second book, by David P. Billington Sr. and Jr., Power Speed and Form (Princeton 2006) , covered the rise of the key twentieth century industries in the period from 1876 to 1939. The third book by David P. Billington Jr. will cover public engineering from the New Deal to the Moon landing and the rise in the middle and late twentieth century of microelectronics. The third book will complete a scholarly foundation to inform the teaching of engineering history to engineering and liberal arts students. The books will also give the general public an accessible overview of America's engineering heritage.