Evolution of the Vice Presidency in Politics and Governance
FAIN: FB-56058-12
Jules Witcover
Unaffiliated Independent Scholar (Washington, DC 20007-0000)
The American vice presidency, once seen as of little significance or utility, in the last 20 years has emerged as a critical office in the shaping and implementation of domestic and foreign policy. Indeed, its last three occupants--Al Gore, Dick Cheney and Joe Biden-- have taken on the stature and influence of assistant presidents. They have performed tasks far beyond the traditional ceremonial and purely political chores of the office as they have fulfilled their Constitutional role as presidents-in-waiting, to their own benefit and that of the presidents who chose them. This study will explore and assess this evolution through the previous vice presidencies in terms of governance as well as politics. Finally it will strive to underscore the need for greater public concern in how presidential running mates are selected, how the winners serve in office, and in holding presidential nominees to account at the ballot box for making wise and responsible choices.
Media Coverage
The Making of the Assistant President: Evolution of the Vice Presidency from Obscurity to Power (Media Coverage)
Author(s): Jules Witcover
Publication: Not published yet
Date: 7/7/2013
Abstract: This book of 200,000 words is under contract with Smithsonian Books and will be submitted in the next few weeks, with publication scheduled for September, 2014. It will have separate chapters on each of the 47 presidents, including brief biography and analysis of the performance of each in the administration served. If additional information is desired, please advice. Thank you.
URL: http:// None yet