
Research Programs: Fellowships

Period of Performance

8/1/2018 - 7/31/2019

Funding Totals

$50,400.00 (approved)
$50,400.00 (awarded)

The Language of Color: Color Dictionaries, Technology, and the Science of Aesthetics, 1740-1920

FAIN: FEL-257040-18

Carolyn Suann Purnell
Unaffiliated independent scholar

Research and writing of a book on the history and science of color since the 18th century.

Between 1740 and 1920, new technologies, improved trade links, and the growth of consumer society meant that the world was newly filled with color. Philosophers, naturalists, manufacturers, and artists created hundreds of new color systems, most notably in the form of “color dictionaries.” Ultimately, this project explains why these systems were of such importance; what larger cultural problems theorists tried to solve with these systems; how new experiences of color affected the lives of average people; and what kinds of legacies color systematization has today. This project highlights how the humanities help us understand the relationships between humans and the natural world. This project also significantly modifies the dominant historical narrative about aesthetics and economic status in the modern era, and, by emphasizing connections between social hierarchies, science, art, nationalism, and race, it shows how artistic experience creates links and barriers between people.

Associated Products

"Inventing Color in the Nineteenth Century" (Public Lecture or Presentation)
Title: "Inventing Color in the Nineteenth Century"
Abstract: I spoke to graduate students, faculty, and community members about the development of modern color, why color systems emerged at the historical moment they did, and what that reveals about the cultural values of the time (and now).
Author: Carolyn Purnell
Date: 1/25/19
Location: Vanderbilt University
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: News site for the Max Kade Center; the poster advertised my position as an NEH Fellow.

The History of Color (Conference Paper/Presentation)
Title: The History of Color
Author: Carolyn Purnell
Abstract: Dinner plenary talk at Renaissance Weekend on the history of color.
Date: 07/02/2019
Primary URL Description: Renaissance Weekend meetings are confidential, so there is no public record.
Conference Name: Renaissance Weekend

History of Color (Conference Paper/Presentation)
Title: History of Color
Author: Carolyn Purnell
Abstract: Dinner plenary talk on the history of color.
Date: 10/7/2018
Primary URL Description: Renaissance Weekend talks are confidential, so there is no public record.
Conference Name: Renaissance Weekend