Understanding Ancient Economic and Social Networks Based on Evidence from Aeolian Coins
FAIN: FEL-257341-18
Ryan Horne
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Chapel Hill, NC 27599-1350)
Preparation of a digital publication that analyzes coins from Aeolia to investigate ancient Greek economy, politics, and society during the Hellenistic period (ca. 350-31 BCE).
My project, Economic, Material, and Social Networks in Antiquity: Aeolian Alexanders, uses social network analysis (SNA) and geographic information systems (GIS) to analyze the understudied region of ancient Aeolis in western Turkey, and reimagines traditional die studies as digital publications which illustrate economic and social networks in geographic space. I am applying to the NEH-Mellon Fellowships for Digital Publication to complete the first born-digital die study using modern techniques, and to publish the results as a publicly accessible web-application. Focusing on coinage in the name of Alexander the Great from the mints of Kyme, Myrina, and Temnos in Hellenistic Turkey, the project expands the traditional bounds of die studies by theorizing die linkages, coin circulation patterns, and hoard data as networks of material and social interaction, which are geographically contextualized through the use of GIS tools.
Associated Products
Aeolian Alexanders: Project, Data, and Lab Notes (Database/Archive/Digital Edition)Title: Aeolian Alexanders: Project, Data, and Lab Notes
Author: Ryan Horne
Abstract: This GitHub page houses all of the digital products created for the Aeolian Alexanders project, including the final presentation, a lab notebook, the database and site code.
Year: 2020
Primary URL:
https://github.com/Aeolian-AlexandersPrimary URL Description: GitHub repository for the project, including the database, Jupyter notebooks, and website code
Access Model: Open Access
Aeolian Alexanders (Web Resource)Title: Aeolian Alexanders
Author: Ryan Horne
Abstract: The main project website, which presents links to the various components of the project
Year: 2020
Primary URL:
http://aeolian-coins.org/Primary URL Description: The main URL to access the site
Secondary URL:
https://maps.isaw.nyu.edu/aeolis/Secondary URL Description: What the main URL resolves to; this is used both to access the site and to connect project data to the Linked Open Data community.