
Research Programs: Fellowships

Period of Performance

7/1/2022 - 6/30/2023

Funding Totals

$60,000.00 (approved)
$60,000.00 (awarded)

Walking on a Tightrope of Words : Langston Hughes’s Re-writings on Race in the Soviet Union and the U.S.

FAIN: FEL-283045-22

Letitia Guran
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Chapel Hill, NC 27599-1350)

Research and writing leading to a digital monograph on the writing, publishing history, and reception of Langston Hughes’s A Negro Looks at Soviet Central Asia (1934).

The digital book I propose is an on online, open-access original contribution to the body of knowledge on Langston Hughes, designed for scholars as well as for the general public. It will expand existing resources by revealing Hughes’s prominence in the struggle for racial equality and social justice leading up to the Civil Rights movement.