
Research Programs: Dynamic Language Infrastructure-Documenting Endangered Languages - Fellowships

Period of Performance

7/1/2013 - 6/30/2014

Funding Totals

$50,400.00 (approved)
$50,400.00 (awarded)

Documentation of Northern Pomo

FAIN: FN-50107-12

Catherine O'Connor
Boston University (Boston, MA 02215-1300)

The Pomo languages, spoken throughout the Russian River area of Northern California, are now moribund or extinct. Between 1979 and December of 2005, the principal investigator recorded several hundred hours of audio tapes from three fluent speakers of Northern Pomo, including lexical and sentence-level elicitations, traditional myths, personal stories, and dyadic conversations. Support is requested for the publication of these Northern Pomo texts in paper form and as part of a digital text base, a digital dictionary linked to the text base, a grammar of Northern Pomo, and the preparation of digitized materials for archiving. The materials will be archived in at least two places: the Grace Hudson Museum in Ukiah, CA, and the archive at the U.C. Berkeley Survey of California and Other Indian Languages. (Edited by staff)