
Education Programs: Seminars for Higher Education Faculty

Period of Performance

10/1/2006 - 9/30/2007

Funding Totals

$189,789.00 (approved)
$189,789.00 (awarded)

The Reformation of the Book, 1450-1700

FAIN: FS-50092-06

Ohio State University Research Foundation (Columbus, OH 43210-1435)
John N. King (Project Director: March 2006 to August 2008)

A five-week seminar for fifteen college and university teachers in Antwerp, Belgium, and Oxford, England, on the advent of printing and its effects on the Protestant Reformation.

We propose an NEH Summer Seminar on “The Reformation of the Book.” It would investigate the gradual transformation of the production, dissemination, and reading of Western European books during the 250 years following the mid-fifteenth-century invention of printing with movable type on hand-operated presses. In particular, we plan to pose the governing question of whether the advent of printing was a necessary precondition for the Protestant Reformation, which fostered protest against alleged abuses in medieval religious practices and beliefs. Intellectual, literary, religious, cultural, social, and printing historians are currently engaged in fruitful debate over this question and the related problem of whether the impact of printing was revolutionary or evolutionary.

Associated Products

Sacred Hands : an exhibit catalog of manuscripts with texts of the three Abrahamic faiths. (Catalog)
Title: Sacred Hands : an exhibit catalog of manuscripts with texts of the three Abrahamic faiths.
Author: Alvarez, Pablo.
Abstract: n/a
Year: 2011
Primary URL:
Catalog Type: Exhibition Catalog

Alvarez, Pablo (Staff/Faculty/Fellow Position)
Name: Alvarez, Pablo
Abstract: Rare book librarian, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
Year: 2009

Alvarez, Pablo. (Staff/Faculty/Fellow Position)
Name: Alvarez, Pablo.
Abstract: Alvarez, Pablo. NINES (Network Interface for Nineteenth-Century Electronic Scholarship) Miami University of Ohio, Oxford, OH
Year: 2008

Alvarez, Pablo. (Staff/Faculty/Fellow Position)
Name: Alvarez, Pablo.
Abstract: The Humanities Project, University of Rochester: $10,000 grant for the funding of conference and exhibit, “Restoring Dryden: Music, Translation, Print.”
Year: 2008
Primary URL:

Alvarez, Pablo. (Staff/Faculty/Fellow Position)
Name: Alvarez, Pablo.
Abstract: Eleanor M. Garvey Fellowship in Printing and Graphic Arts, Houghton Library, Harvard University. Research Topic: The Teaching of Hell in Sixteenth-Century Venice: The Evidence from Book Illustration and Mnemonic Treatises.
Year: 2009

Alvarez, Pablo. (Staff/Faculty/Fellow Position)
Name: Alvarez, Pablo.
Abstract: American Printing History Association Fellowship in Printing History (along with Keli E. Rylance, Head of the Southeastern Architectural Archives and the School of Architecture Library, Tulane University). Project: Translation and Critical Edition of Alonso Víctor de Paredes’ Institución y origen del arte de la imprenta, y reglas generales para los componedores [Madrid: Alonso Víctor de Paredes, 1680].
Year: 2010

English Translation of Chapter 8 (“Del contar el original, y otras advertencias necesarias”/“On Casting off, and other Necessary rules”) from the printer’s manual by Alonso Víctor de Paredes, Institución y origen del arte de la imprenta y reglas generale (Article)
Title: English Translation of Chapter 8 (“Del contar el original, y otras advertencias necesarias”/“On Casting off, and other Necessary rules”) from the printer’s manual by Alonso Víctor de Paredes, Institución y origen del arte de la imprenta y reglas generale
Author: Alvarez, Pablo.
Abstract: n/a
Year: 2012
Primary URL:
Periodical Title: Ecdotica

Rediscovering Shenoute of Atripe”. (Conference Paper/Presentation)
Title: Rediscovering Shenoute of Atripe”.
Author: Alvarez, Pablo.
Abstract: Library Lightning Talks. University of Michigan Library
Date: 08/09/2011
Primary URL:

“Alonso Víctor de Paredes on Printing with Threaded in the Fifteenth Century.” (Conference Paper/Presentation)
Title: “Alonso Víctor de Paredes on Printing with Threaded in the Fifteenth Century.”
Author: Alvarez, Pablo.
Abstract: n/a
Date: 08/20/2010.
Conference Name: Sharp conference, Book Culture from Below, Helsinki (Finland)

“Watermarks from Venice: A View behind the Exhibit” (Conference Paper/Presentation)
Title: “Watermarks from Venice: A View behind the Exhibit”
Author: Alvarez, Pablo.
Abstract: n/a
Date: 03/23/2011
Conference Name: University of Michigan, Special Collections Library

“The Printing of the King James Bible”. (Public Lecture or Presentation)
Title: “The Printing of the King James Bible”.
Abstract: n/a
Author: Alvarez, Pablo.
Date: 02/13/2011
Location: University of Michigan Library

“From Credit to Public Course: Teaching the History of the Book to a Wider Audience.” (Conference Paper/Presentation)
Title: “From Credit to Public Course: Teaching the History of the Book to a Wider Audience.”
Author: Alvarez, Pablo.
Abstract: n/a
Date: 06/24/2009
Conference Name: “Teaching and Outreach in Special Collections: From K-12 to Undergraduates and Beyond

“Translating Alonso Víctor de Paredes’ Institución y origen del arte de la imprenta, y reglas generales para los componedores”. (Conference Paper/Presentation)
Title: “Translating Alonso Víctor de Paredes’ Institución y origen del arte de la imprenta, y reglas generales para los componedores”.
Author: Alvarez, Pablo.
Abstract: n/a
Date: 06/26/2008
Conference Name: Seminar on Textual Bibliography for Modern Foreign Languages. The British Library.

“The Teaching of Hell in Sixteenth-Century Venice.” (Public Lecture or Presentation)
Title: “The Teaching of Hell in Sixteenth-Century Venice.”
Abstract: n/a
Author: Alvarez, Pablo.
Date: 03/26/2008
Location: Vassar College

Rylance, Keli. (with Pablo Alvarez), (Staff/Faculty/Fellow Position)
Name: Rylance, Keli. (with Pablo Alvarez),
Abstract: The Mark Samuels Lasner Fellowship in Printing History, The American Printing History Association
Year: 2008

"Printers of the Ordinary Mind: Printing-House Practices beyond Moxon," (Conference Paper/Presentation)
Title: "Printers of the Ordinary Mind: Printing-House Practices beyond Moxon,"
Author: Rylance, Keli.
Abstract: n/a
Date: 08/15/2008
Conference Name: The 18th Annual SHARP Conference, Helsinki, Finland

One chapter rersearched and written (Book Section)
Title: One chapter rersearched and written
Author: Michael Graham,
Abstract: n/a
Year: 2008
Book Title: Michael Graham, _The Blasphemies of Thomas Aikenhead: Boundaries of Belief on the Eve of the Enlightenment

“What Kind of Paper Was the Athenian Mercury?” (Conference Paper/Presentation)
Title: “What Kind of Paper Was the Athenian Mercury?”
Author: Michael Graham,
Abstract: n/a
Date: 10/15/2008
Conference Name: Sixteenth Century Studies Conference, St. Louis, MO

"Reformation of the Book" (Conference/Institute/Seminar)
Title: "Reformation of the Book"
Author: Graham, Michael, and 4 other seminar members
Abstract: two panel sessions at the 2008 Sixteenth Century Studies Conference
Date Range: 10/15-16/2008
Location: St. Louis

"The constellated *Axiochus* and the *mouvance* of the printed text." (Article)
Title: "The constellated *Axiochus* and the *mouvance* of the printed text."
Author: Graham, Michael
Abstract: 2010.
Year: 2010
Primary URL Description: n/a
Periodical Title: *Acta Conventus Neo-Latini Upsaliensis.* Ed. Astrid Steiner-Weber et al. Tempe, Arizona: Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies,

see below (Public Lecture or Presentation)
Title: see below
Abstract: “Foxe’s Book of Martyrs in England and America,” presented as part of several Vassar College English Department courses, 2008-2011. “The King James Bible and English Arts and Crafts Printing,” Vassar College anniversary event for students and faculty in Medieval and Renaissance Studies and Victorian Studies, January 2012. opening lecture for “Manifold Greatness: The Creation and Afterlife of the King James Bible,” an NEH traveling exhibition, Poughkeepsie Public Library, May 2012
Author: Patrkus, Ron.
Date: 01/15/2012
Location: Vassar College

The Medieval Book, (Course or Curricular Material)
Title: The Medieval Book,
Author: Deitch, Judith.
Abstract: York University, Department of English, 4th year seminar
Year: 2009
Audience: Undergraduate

Print Culture and History of the Book (Course or Curricular Material)
Title: Print Culture and History of the Book
Author: Deitch, Judith
Abstract: York University, Department of English, 4th year seminar 2009-2010, 2010-2011
Year: 2009
Audience: Undergraduate

The Books of Erasmus' Youth: Printing, Knowledge, and Community in Fifteenth-Century Deventer (Book)
Title: The Books of Erasmus' Youth: Printing, Knowledge, and Community in Fifteenth-Century Deventer
Author: Deitch, Judith
Abstract: n/a
Year: 2014
Publisher: Brill
Type: Single author monograph

Book of Faith: Print, Politics, Public Event (Course or Curricular Material)
Title: Book of Faith: Print, Politics, Public Event
Author: Krueger, Karl
Abstract: Offered Fall 2009 & Fall 2011). Krauth Memorial + Lutheran Theological Seminary 7301 Germantown Avenue + Philadelphia, PA 19119-1794
Year: 2009
Audience: Graduate

NO WOMAN’S CHIT-CHAT Argula von Grumbach 16th Century Public ‘Theologian’ (Exhibition)
Title: NO WOMAN’S CHIT-CHAT Argula von Grumbach 16th Century Public ‘Theologian’
Curator: Krueger, Karl
Abstract: n/a
Year: 2009

see below (Exhibition)
Title: see below
Curator: Alvarez, Pable
Abstract: Special Collections Library, University of Michigan: 1) “Rediscovering Shenoute of Atripe (ca. 348-466), a Digital Project” 2011.- 2) “A Collection of Early Manuscript Leaves” 2011-. 3) “Watermarks from Venice” (March-June, 2011). 4) “Celebrating 400 Years of the King James Bible: Its Origins in Manuscript and Print” (January-March, 2011). “Cervantes and the Canon” (September- December, 2010).
Year: 2009

“The 1560 English Geneva: The Exodus Bible for God’s Newly Chosen People” (Conference Paper/Presentation)
Title: “The 1560 English Geneva: The Exodus Bible for God’s Newly Chosen People”
Author: Krueger, Karl
Abstract: n/a
Date: 10/24/2008
Conference Name: Sixteenth Century Society Conference

3 exhibitions (Exhibition)
Title: 3 exhibitions
Curator: Alvarez, Pablo.
Abstract: Department of Rare Books, Special Collections & Preservation, University of Rochester, NY Alvarez, Pablo. “Manifestations of Medieval Law: From Manuscript to Print” (April 2-4, 2009). “Charles R. Darwin at 200: The Origin and Evolution of his Books” (February-March 2009). “John Dryden and the Book: 1659-1700” (October-December 2008).
Year: 2008

"Radiant Transnationalism in Early English Literature." (Public Lecture or Presentation)
Title: "Radiant Transnationalism in Early English Literature."
Abstract: Renaissance Cultural Crossroads: Translation, Print and Culture in Britain 1473-1640, conducted at/by the Renaissance Cultural Crossroads Project
Author: Coldiron, Anne
Date: 05/14/2010
Location: University of Warwick, UK

"Radiant Textuality: Les Quadrins Historiques de la Bible." (Conference Paper/Presentation)
Title: "Radiant Textuality: Les Quadrins Historiques de la Bible."
Author: Coldiron, Anne
Abstract: n/a
Date: 10/14/2008
Conference Name: Sixteenth Century Society Conference

“Making the Impossible Dream: Latin, Print, and the Marriage of Frederick V and the Princess Elizabeth.” (Article)
Title: “Making the Impossible Dream: Latin, Print, and the Marriage of Frederick V and the Princess Elizabeth.”
Author: Piepho, Lee
Abstract: n/a
Year: 2009
Format: Journal
Periodical Title: Reformation, vol. 14

“Great-Brittaines Sunne-Set”: International Protestantism, Print, and Commemorative Anthologies on the Death of Prince Henry.” (Book Section)
Title: “Great-Brittaines Sunne-Set”: International Protestantism, Print, and Commemorative Anthologies on the Death of Prince Henry.”
Author: Piepho, Lee
Abstract: n/a
Year: 2013
Book Title: Acta for the 2009 Congress of the International Association for Neo-Latin Studies.

“Latin, Printing, and the Making of an International Protestant Literary Culture." (Conference Paper/Presentation)
Title: “Latin, Printing, and the Making of an International Protestant Literary Culture."
Author: Piepho, Lee
Abstract: n/a
Date: 12/28/2008
Conference Name: Convention of the Renaissance Society of America.

“Communication Between Protestant Britain and Northern Europe in the Thirty Years’ War” (Conference Paper/Presentation)
Title: “Communication Between Protestant Britain and Northern Europe in the Thirty Years’ War”
Author: Piepho, Lee
Abstract: n/a
Date: 10/14/2008
Conference Name: Sixteenth Century Society Conference

“International Protestantism, Print, and Commemorative Anthologies on the Death of Prince Henry.” (Conference Paper/Presentation)
Title: “International Protestantism, Print, and Commemorative Anthologies on the Death of Prince Henry.”
Author: Piepho, Lee
Abstract: n/a
Date: 08/19/2008
Conference Name: Fourteenth International Congress of Neo-Latin Studies

“Biblical Commentary as Reformation Commodity: the Role of the Paratext in Luther’s Galatians” (Article)
Title: “Biblical Commentary as Reformation Commodity: the Role of the Paratext in Luther’s Galatians”
Author: Patkus, Ron
Abstract: n/a
Year: 2008
Periodical Title: Reformation 13 (2008): 51-75.

“The Paratext in Luther’s Galatians” (Conference Paper/Presentation)
Title: “The Paratext in Luther’s Galatians”
Author: Patkus, Ron
Abstract: n/a
Date: 10/14/2008
Conference Name: Sixteenth Century Studies Conference

“Reformation of the Book: A Log of Travels Relating to Books and Printing in Early Modern Europe" (Blog Post)
Title: “Reformation of the Book: A Log of Travels Relating to Books and Printing in Early Modern Europe"
Author: Patkus, Ron
Abstract: Patrkus, Ron. blog, “Reformation of the Book: A Log of Travels Relating to Books and Printing in Early Modern Europe" ( Patrkus, Ron. blog, “Reformation of the Book: A Log of Travels Relating to Books and Printing in Early Modern Europe" ( Patrkus, Ron. blog, “Reformation of the Book: A Log of Travels Relating to Books and Printing in Early Modern Europe" (). Dr. Patkus constructed the whole of this blog, which includes a running account of his experience in our 2007 NEH Summer Seinar for College and University Teachers.
Date: 08/15/2007
Primary URL: