Seasonal Tastes: English Literary and Recipe Culture, 1550-1750
FAIN: FT-278743-21
Marissa O'Connor Nicosia
Pennsylvania State University (University Park, PA 16802-1503)
Research and writing towards a book examining the intertextual links among domestic writing, food culture, and early modern English poetry.
Seasonal Tastes investigates poetic style, culinary flavor, and the construction of diurnal time in early modern English literary works and practical handbooks. In early modern usage, the word “season” was a verb, describing the act and art of flavoring dishes, and a noun, indicating a specific time of the year. Likewise, “taste” referred both to bodily sensation and readerly pleasure; the consumption of food as well as a discerning appetite for literary culture. Seasonal Tastes puts literary works and “how to” literature in dialogue to explore flavor, time, literary form, and climate in the early modern period. This project intervenes in debates about how nature is depicted within literary studies, and within the humanities more broadly, by taking seasons as its central focus.