
Research Programs: Summer Stipends

Period of Performance

5/1/1999 - 9/30/1999

Funding Totals

$4,000.00 (approved)
$4,000.00 (awarded)

Marianne Moore, a Biography

FAIN: FT-44143-99

Linda Leavell
Oklahoma State University, Stillwater (Stillwater, OK 74078-0001)

No project description available

Associated Products

Holding on Upside Down The Life and Work of Marianne Moore (Book)
Title: Holding on Upside Down The Life and Work of Marianne Moore
Author: Linda Leavell
Abstract: Linda Leavell's Holding on Upside Down--the first authorized biograpy of this major American poet--will come as a shock. This mesmerizing, essential new book will change forever how we view the woman and her poetry. Holding on Upside Down reveals a passionate, canny young woman caught between genuine devotion to her hoving mother, with whom she lived for sixty years, and her own irrepressible desire for freedom. The radically original verse she wrote in the early twentieth century baffled her family at the same time that it both confounded and dazzled her litertary peers. Her many poems about survival, it turns out, are not just quirky nature studies but acts of perseverance themselves. Leavell places this mother-daughter drama within a historical context of emerging modernity. Reared among educated single women like her mother, the poet embraced feminism and progress-era ideals from early adolescence. Elegantly written, meticulously researched, and criticall acute, Holding on Upside Down provides at last the biography that is iconic modernist and a complex personality deserves.
Year: 2013
Publisher: Faeear, Straus and Giroux
Type: Single author monograph
ISBN: 9780374107291
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