
Research Programs: Summer Stipends

Period of Performance

6/1/2003 - 7/31/2003

Funding Totals

$5,000.00 (approved)
$5,000.00 (awarded)

The Library Context and Early Reception of an Old English Book of Poetry

FAIN: FT-51297-03

Janet Ericksen
University of Minnesota, Morris (Morris, MN 56267-2132)

The project is to assess the early reception history of the only surviving illustrated book of Old English poetry, Oxford, Bodleian Library Manuscript Junius 11, both in material presentation and contents, by positioning it within the fragmentary remains of what may have been its original library context. Primary resources are published descriptions of roughly contemporary manuscripts from any of the centers proposed as the source of the book and first-hand examination of as many of the surviving manuscripts as possible. A clearer picture of the early status and use of this book should help verify or refute modern assessments of MS Junius 11 as a foundational text, as well as better define Anglo-Saxon books, readers, and libraries.