Albanian Sufi Baba Journeys West: Later Life Dialogues in America
FAIN: FT-51308-03
Frances Trix
Trustees of Indiana University, Indianapolis (Detroit, MI 48201-1347)
I will write a discourse-based biography of Albanian Bektashi leader, Baba Rexheb (1901-1995), who founded the first Bektashi Tekke in North America in 1953. The Bektashis are a 700-year old Sufi or mystic Muslim Order known for their tolerance, their inclusion of women, and the beauty of their spiritual poetry. The book will be based on over 20 years of weekly study with Baba in his community, taped dialogues with him in Turkish and Albanian, interviews with community members, and analysis of his writings. During the stipend period I will complete the last stage of research for this book--transcription of dialogues taped after 1990, and the selection and grouping of dialogues into chapters.