Empire and Illusion: Law, Order, and Magic in Colonial India
FAIN: FT-52663-04
James William Hoover
Centre College of Kentucky (Danville, KY 40422-1309)
I propose to complete a research project on the history of magic in India, focusing on South India in the colonial period, but also building a general argument about the role of belief in magic in South Asian history. The primary issues considered in this study are: 1) Western interpretations of magical practices and belief in India, 2) The conflict between Indian magicians and the colonial state, 3) Magic as a means of everyday subaltern resistance, and 4) The role of magic in Indian society and religious life, and its resilience in the face of change. This proposal seeks support for archival research in India, which will complete the research stage of the project, allowing me to move on to the writing stage.