In Transit: Migration, Globalization, and Korean Immigrants in Argentina and the United States
FAIN: FT-54470-06
Lili M. Kim
Trustees of Hampshire College (Amherst, MA 01002-3359)
This project examines the history of Korean immigrants who migrated to Argentina beginning in 1965 and who remigrated to the United States beginning in the early 1990s. Internationalizing the investigation of U.S. immigration history, this study forces us to rethink the traditional framework of acculturation and diasporas that poses binary categories of old and new cultures, and homeland and new adopted country. In this critical early research phase of the project, I seek the support of the NEH summer stipend to conduct research in Korea for two uninterrupted months. This book-length study will be the first full account of the history of Korean immigrants to Argentina and their remigration to the United States.