Rembrandt and Italy
FAIN: FT-55146-07
Amy Golahny
Lycoming College (Williamsport, PA 17701-5100)
This planned monograph examines the many facets of Rembrandt and Italy, integrating Rembrandt’s witty commentary on and practical uses of Italian art, Dutch theoretical approaches to Italian art, and the Dutch-Italian reciprocity. Recent research reveals that Rembrandt played a more obvious role within the dynamic commercial and artistic relations between Holland and Italy than previously thought. Rembrandt, who never travelled to Italy, amassed a major collection that included rare works on paper by Italian artists; he also had an expert knowledge of the Italian paintings in Amsterdam. Throughout his oeuvre, he referred to Italian works by adapting them and disguising his sources -- an accepted, praised approach.
Media Coverage
Author(s): C.T. Seifert
Publication: Pieter Lastman
Date: 11/1/2011
Abstract: frequent citation of this product within book
Author(s): C. Scallen
Date: 3/1/2010
Abstract: Holm Bevers, Jan Kelch, and Christian Tico Seifert, eds. Rembrandt: Wissenschaft auf der Suche
Rembrandt: Wissenschaft auf der Suche by Holm Bevers; Jan Kelch; Christian Tico Seifert
Review by: Catherine B Scallen
Renaissance Quarterly , Vol. 63, No. 1 (Spring 2010), pp. 268-270
Published by: The University of Chicago Press on behalf of the Renaissance Society of America
Article DOI: 10.1086/652592
Article Stable URL:
URL: http://
Associated Products
Rembrandt and Italy: Beyond the disegno-colore Paradigm (Article)Title: Rembrandt and Italy: Beyond the disegno-colore Paradigm
Author: Amy Golahny
Abstract: Rembrandt’s debt to the Italian Renaissance art has long been recognized and discussed within the paradigm of the regional painterly directions of disegno and colore. Less acknowledged is his familiarity with and appropriation of later Italian art. The affinities between Rembrandt and Caravaggio have often been indicated, especially with respect to chiaroscuro.
Rembrandt’s familiarity with Caravaggio’s Madonna of the Rosary has
been noted, but Rembrandt’s adaptation of aspects of that grand altarpiece has not been adequately discussed. This essay considers how the Rosary contributed to Rembrandt’s organization of space and figures in his early paintings.
Year: 2009
Primary URL: URL: URL Description:, under Amy Golahny
Format: Journal
Periodical Title: Jahrbuch der Berliner Museen, Neue Folge, vol. 51, 2009, 113-20, Special Volume: Rembrandt
Publisher: Staatlich Museen zu Berlin/Gebr. Mann Verlag Berlin
Reflections on Caravaggio, Lastman and Rembrandt (Article)Title: Reflections on Caravaggio, Lastman and Rembrandt
Author: Amy Golahny, in book edited by M. C. Galassi and A. De Floriani
Abstract: It has long been noted that Dutch and Flemish artists in the early 17th century showed great interest in Caravaggio’s painting. Benedict Nicolson, J. G. van Gelder, Leonard Slatkes, and others have noted how these artists regarded Caravaggio’s paintings for useful motifs, chiaroscuro, and expressive qualities. Most recently, the 2006 Amsterdam exhibition, Rembrandt Caravaggio, indicated both the very keen parallel interests by the two artists, and at the same time, the need for more investigation into how Rembrandt and other Dutch painters, especially Lastman, regarded Caravaggio’s work. Although it has long been noted that Rembrandt’s chiaroscuro may owe much to the illumination of Caravaggio, scholars have been reluctant to pursue Rembrandt’s interest in the caravaggesque in other ways. My remarks here begin to investigate how Lastman and Rembrandt used the works of Caravaggio.
Year: 2008
Primary URL: Other
Periodical Title: Culture figurative a confron tra Fiandre e Italia
Publisher: Silvana Editoriale, Milan
Pieter Lastman: Moments of Recognition (Article)Title: Pieter Lastman: Moments of Recognition
Author: Amy Golahny
Abstract: Pieter Lastman (1583-1633) painted scenes of dramatic resolution, based upon characters' expressive reactions to a narrative. This essay focuses on several of these paintings, and analyses them with respect to their narrative texts.
Year: 2010
Format: Journal
Periodical Title: Nederlands Kunsthistorisch Jaarboek, vol. 60
Publisher: Waanders Publisher, Zwolle