Memoirs on the Life and Travels of Thomas Hammond, 1748-1771
FAIN: FT-55929-08
George E. Boulukos
Southern Illinois University (Carbondale, IL 62901-4302)
I propose to complete and publish my edition of the memoirs of Thomas Hammond. Hammond's memoirs constitute a major discovery in the fields of eighteenth-century British literature and social history: they are the most vivid, complete, and extensive autobiographical account of a member of the servant class known to exist, and yet they are unpublished. The value of such a source is captured in Lawrence Stone's remark that "when dealing with the sexual behavior of the lower orders, the historian is forced to abandon any attempt to probe attitudes and feelings, since direct evidence does not exist." Hammond provides unparalled insight into the lower orders -- views of sexuality, social hierarchy, violence, childhood, religion, and popular culture. The original manuscripts are held at University of Texas at Austin's Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center.