An Architectural Laboratory: The Oak Park Studio of Frank Lloyd Wright
FAIN: FT-56326-08
Lisa Diane Schrenk
Vermont College (Northfield, VT 05663-1035)
The stipend will support a major phase of research on the educational environment of Frank Lloyd Wright's Oak Park studio. By focusing on the role education played in his design process, this work offers important new insights into the early development of the architect's design ideology and, on a broader scope, the rise of modern architecture, and the evolution of American suburbs at the turn of the last century. Wright's emphasis on life-long learning was prominently realized in his use of the physical structure of the studio as an experimental design laboratory and in his development of an educational work environment for himself and his employees that encouraged creative explorations. This research builds upon extensive work completed while employed as the Education Director for the Frank Lloyd Wright Home and Studio Foundation and will involve visits to major archives in Chicago and elsewhere. A monograph on Wright's Oak Park studio will be the final outcome of the project.