The United Irishmen and Abolition: A Transnational Investigation
FAIN: FT-56528-09
David T. Brundage
Regents of the University of California, Santa Cruz (Santa Cruz, CA 95064-1077)
The project focuses on an early and important strand of the history of Irish abolitionism, placed in a broad transnational context: the nature of the antislavery commitments of the United Irishmen, both in Ireland and in the United States, where many of them ended up following their defeat in the massive Irish rebellion of 1798. The study seeks to explain (1) the various transatlantic links that shaped the deep antislavery commitments of the organization; and (2) the causes for the widely divergent positions on slavery that the various United Irish exiles adopted over the course of their lives in the new American republic. The results of the research will take the form of a scholarly article and may also serve as the first section of a full (book-length) history of Irish abolitionism.
Media Coverage
Irish Nationalists in America: The Politics of Exile, 1798-1998 Review (Review)
Author(s): Chris Kissane
Publication: The Irish Times
Date: 6/18/2016