The Annotated Picture of Dorian Gray
FAIN: FT-56677-09
Nicholas Raymond Frankel
Virginia Commonwealth University (Richmond, VA 23284-9005)
This project is a new scholarly edition of Oscar Wilde's novel The Picture of Dorian Gray, already contracted for publication in the U.S.A. and the U. K. with Harvard University Press. The edition is designed to extend knowledge of Wilde's novel and of late-Victorian Britain generally among a broad audience. Its value is twofold: it is the first edition ever to print the unexpurgated text of Wilde's novel, as Wilde intended it to be published. As importantly, it provides unusually rich, detailed, running-commentaries in order to guide readers through Wilde's text. These commentaries are based on the latest scholarship in several disciplines, and they illuminate not only topical references but also the historical, biographical, and intellectual contexts within which Wilde's novel first operated.