Federalist Politics and Religious Struggle in the New Nation
FAIN: FT-57277-09
Jonathan Den Hartog
University of Northwestern - St. Paul (St. Paul, MN 55113-1501)
With contemporary debates over religion's place in public life, scholars have grown sensitized to how religion has functioned in the political realm in earlier periods in American history. My project, "Federalist Politics and Religious Struggle in the New Nation," will contribute to this need by addressing the question from a new perspective, focusing on the Federalists, one of the new nation's first two political parties. I describe a situation where religion's place in the early American republic was a matter of much contention. In that setting, Federalists wrestled with what place religion would have in the new nation, and their efforts in both the political and cultural realms shaped American culture and its conflicted attitudes to public religiosity. A Summer Stipend will aid me as I draft the final two chapters of my book manuscript. With this support, I will be able to send the manuscript to an academic publisher shortly after the conclusion of the grant.