A Critical Translation of Miguel Angel Asturias's Leyendas de Guatemala
FAIN: FT-57881-10
Richard Kelly Washbourne
Kent State University (Kent, OH 44242-0001)
My proposal is to produce a first translation of 1967 Nobel laureate Miguel Angel Asturias's Leyendas de Guatemala (1930) [Legends of Guatemala], including a critical apparatus: an introduction that investigates the role of language and contextualizes the Mayan intertexts and worldview that permeate the work; a translator's introduction that details the translator's role, challenges, and decision-making; and a glossary of allusions. This work aims to fill a gap in the understanding and appreciation of the anthropological in twentieth-century Latin American fiction, while joining the important body of aesthetic works from the region imbued with a postcolonial consciousness and engaged in the project of nation-formation.