The Toltec Arrangement: A Study of an Early Mesoamerican City
FAIN: FT-58658-11
William Ringle
Davidson College (Davidson, NC 28036-9405)
This study argues that Tollan, paradigmatic city of Mesoamerica and home of the Toltecs, was recentered many times during antiquity, reflecting the spread of elite notions of rulership and militarism symbolized by the feathered serpent. Beginning with Teotihuacan, this study will analyze the development of this tradition through comparative examination of the archaeology of broader Tollan, including rites of investiture, military and governmental organization, mortuary evidence, and residential patterns, supplemented by ethnohistorical and iconographic evidence. It will demonstrate that rather than an ethnicity, Toltec identity was at heart adherence to an ideology which endured and evolved over the course of 1500 years.