
Research Programs: Summer Stipends

Period of Performance

6/1/2014 - 7/31/2014

Funding Totals

$6,000.00 (approved)
$6,000.00 (awarded)

Before Shariah: Near Eastern Law and Authority in the Long Seventh Century, 570-705 CE

FAIN: FT-62112-14

Emran El-Badawi
University Of Houston (Houston, TX 77204-3067)

The seventh century CE was a seminal period in the religious and historical development of the classical Near East. The Persian empire had come to an abrupt end. The Byzantine empire was halved in size. And Islam emerged as a new and lasting imperial as well as religious presence in the region. However, a closer examination the teachings and commandments of prophets and patriarchs demonstrate a continuation and development of legal tradition during this time. More specifically, my research will explore the continuity of (mainly) Syriac Christian Law in the beginnings of Islamic Law. This research will shed light not only on the shared history of Christians and Muslims, but provide a historically based understanding of Shariah. This grant proposal is also aimed at fulfilling the vision behind the "bridging cultures" initiative.

Associated Products

"Glaubensbekenntnisse" in Koran erklärt (Article)
Title: "Glaubensbekenntnisse" in Koran erklärt
Author: Emran El-Badawi
Abstract: ENGLISH Since March 6, 2015, the Deutschlandfunk broadcasts every Friday the series »Koran erklärt«. As of December 2016, 51 Islamic theologians and Islamic scholars from eight countries explained 84 short texts from the Koran. These texts are collected in this volume. These interpretations are supplemented by a foreword by Willi Steul, the director of Deutschlandradio, and three background essays: Thorsten Gerald Schneiders gives an overview of the history of the interpretation of the Koran. Angelika Neuwirth questions the "Koran exegesis between theology and Oriental studies" and Sebastian Engelbrecht reconstructs "Die Participation of Islam in broadcasting in Germany «. The book provides information and education about the Koran. It allows access to the sacred scripture of a world religion and invites a differentiated view of the Koran. These are tasks of public service broadcasting - especially in times when fears and emotions lead to prejudice and exclusion.
Year: 2017
Primary URL:
Access Model: Purchase
Format: Other
Publisher: Suhrkamp Verlag

Das Glaubensbekenntnis des Gesandten (Radio/Audio Broadcast or Recording)
Title: Das Glaubensbekenntnis des Gesandten
Writer: Emran El-Badawi
Director: Thorsten G. Schneiders
Producer: Deutchlandfunk Radio
Abstract: The Creed of the Messenger What do Muslims believe in? Similar to Christianity, they express this in short, concise creeds. The best known is the Shahada. It says, "There is no god but God, and Muhammad is the Messenger of God." But there are more creeds in Islam. From Dr. Emran El-Badawi, University of Houston, Texas, USA
Date: 08/18/2016
Primary URL:
Access Model: Free / Web
Format: Radio
Format: Web