
Education Programs: Seminars for K-12 Educators

Period of Performance

10/1/2005 - 9/30/2006

Funding Totals

$104,042.00 (approved)
$104,042.00 (awarded)

The Isle of Man: Crossroads of Medieval Cultures and Languages

FAIN: FV-50070-05

CSU, Bakersfiled (Bakersfield, CA 93311-1022)
Charles William MacQuarrie (Project Director: March 2005 to February 2008)

A five-week seminar in Britain for fifteen school teachers to explore the cultural, literary, and linguistic diversity of the Isle of Man in the Middle Ages.

The purpose of this five-week seminar is to provide participants with an enriched appreciation for the multicultural reality of the British Isles and Ireland (the Irish Sea cultural province) in the Middle Ages. While early British literature and culture is sometimes thought to be exclusively Anglo-Saxon, Britain was, in fact, rich in cultural and linguistic diversity. By means of field experience, readings, and seminar discussions we will explore the extent and the significance of the linguistic, cultural, and physical multiplicity which characterizes the medieval period.