
Research Programs: Teaching Development Fellowships

Period of Performance

6/1/2009 - 10/31/2009

Funding Totals

$21,000.00 (approved)
$21,000.00 (awarded)

Intellectual Heritage--Time

FAIN: FW-50076-09

Roy Raymond Robson
Penn State (University Park, PA 16802-1503)

"Intellectual Heritage--Time" is a fifteen-week undergraduate course dedicated to the intellectual history of Time. I am applying for an NEH fellowship to revise this course to include deeper analysis of non-western religious traditions and contemporary philosophy of science. I have taught this topic for five years with over 100 students per year. At present, I am the only professor offering this course, which makes up two-thirds of my annual teaching portfolio. I request five months support from June-October 2009. With outside support, I have the opportunity to reduce my teaching load, allowing me to fulfill the terms of the Fellowship by teaching a single class during the first semester of the 2009-10 academic year. Trained as a historian with strengths in Europe, Russia, and religion, I have expanded my research and teaching to include both "Intellectual Heritage--Time" and "Views of The Cosmos," which I team-teach with a theoretical physicist.