
Research Programs: Public Scholars

Period of Performance

7/1/2021 - 6/30/2022

Funding Totals

$60,000.00 (approved)
$60,000.00 (awarded)

Kay Boyle's War: An American Witness to Europe’s Darkest Hours, 1933-1953

FAIN: FZ-272055-20

Anne Boyd Rioux
University of New Orleans (New Orleans, LA 70148-0001)

Writing of a biography of Kay Boyle (1902-1992), American intellectual and novelist.

The American writer Kay Boyle was one of the twentieth century’s most important observers of European fascism. Unfortunately, her life and work have been nearly lost to us. Her novels and short stories written for the New Yorker, Harper's, and others, two of which won the O. Henry Award for the best story of the year, take us beyond objective history and into the experiences of those who were its victims. Only two book-length studies of her life and work have been published, in 1986 and 1994. Both are out of print and neither had the benefit of important archives now available, nor the sense of urgency that demands a reevaluation of Boyle’s crusade against fascism. The book I plan to write for a general audience will tell the story of fascism’s impact on her life and recognize her considerable contributions to anti-fascist literature, international modernism, and conversations about the role of literature in social and political life.