
Public Programs: Exhibitions: Planning

Period of Performance

6/1/2019 - 5/31/2020

Funding Totals (outright + matching)

$75,000.00 (approved)
$66,150.00 (awarded)

BK Brooklyn Climber

FAIN: GE-264694-19

Brooklyn Children's Museum (Brooklyn, NY 11213-1900)
Hana Elwell (Project Director: August 2018 to October 2022)

Planning an exhibition that would relate the history of Brooklyn and Brooklynites over time through a climbing structure.

Brooklyn Children’s Museum (BCM) requests a $66,150 Exhibitions Planning grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities to support the BK History Climber, a permanent exhibition developed in partnership with Brooklyn Historical Society (BHS) that will be sited on the second floor of BCM’s iconic Crown Heights, Brooklyn building. A multi-level climbing and physical play structure, the BK History Climber unites the kinetic energy of a jungle gym with the intellectual core of a history exhibition. Built using stacked shipping containers, water towers, or another material that allows for creation of discrete rooms, the Climber will consist of eight chambers furnished with set pieces; backdrops; objects; primary sources such as journals, memoirs and interviews; and, oral histories from the BCM and BHS collections. Each of the eight containers will offer the self-contained story of an historic Brooklyn family or families.

Associated Products

Educational Framework (Course or Curricular Material)
Title: Educational Framework
Author: Miriam Bader
Abstract: The framework guides decisions around the learning that will happen through the Brooklyn Time Machine by identifying learning goals, design principles, and tactics for audience engagement.
Year: 2020
Audience: K - 12

School Program Curriculum Prototypes (Course or Curricular Material)
Title: School Program Curriculum Prototypes
Author: Miriam Bader
Abstract: The Brooklyn Time Machine will offer students in grades K-4 a dynamic platform to engage in Social Studies learning. The exhibit connects to many core Social Studies topics such as identify, family, community, citizenship, New York history, and change over time and activates diverse social studies practices and skills. These prototypes for grades 1 and 4 describe how the climber can be utilized to support student learning through a guided field trip.
Year: 2020
Audience: K - 12

Public Programs Plan (Course or Curricular Material)
Title: Public Programs Plan
Author: Miriam Bader
Abstract: Public Programs at the Brooklyn Time Machine will feature pop-up activities, where a Museum Educator adds a layer of engagement in a particular exhibit location.
Year: 2020
Audience: K - 12

Discovery and Concept Design (Exhibition)
Title: Discovery and Concept Design
Curator: C&G Partners
Abstract: The exhibit design will be based on real places and people in Brooklyn, with an emphasis on Central Brooklyn.
Year: 2020

Advisor List and Bios (Course or Curricular Material)
Title: Advisor List and Bios
Author: Hana Elwell
Abstract: A list of the project team members and their bios.
Year: 2020
Audience: K - 12