
Public Programs: Exhibitions: Planning

Period of Performance

9/1/2021 - 8/31/2022

Funding Totals

$50,924.00 (approved)
$50,924.00 (awarded)

Clarissa Street Uprooted: Intergenerational History Ambassadors Exhibit

FAIN: GE-280587-21

Teen Empowerment, Inc (Rochester, NY 14611-3541)
Jennifer Banister (Project Director: January 2021 to present)

A multiformat exhibition that explores the twentieth-century history of the African American community in Rochester, New York.

An intergenerational partnership of African American youth and elders, along with humanities scholars and preservationists in Greater Rochester, NY, will plan a unique, multi-format exhibition that engages our community in exploring the arts, culture, and policies that shaped our metropolitan region.

Associated Products

Clarissa Uprooted Exhibit (brochure) (Exhibition)
Title: Clarissa Uprooted Exhibit (brochure)
Curator: Intergenerational History Ambassadors collaborative effort
Abstract: Brochure describes what visitors would find in the exhibit. The Clarissa Uprooted Exhibit (CUE) experience brings stories to life, following threads from the oral histories that provide lessons from Rochester’s disappeared village. Local evidence of the racist policies that structured northern cities across the US tell Rochester’s version of this national story. Interactives and arts–from poetry, music and virtual reality–immerse and provide tools for change.
Year: 2022
Primary URL:

Clarissa Uprooted Exhibit (poster) (Exhibition)
Title: Clarissa Uprooted Exhibit (poster)
Curator: Collaborative Intergenerational History Ambassadors with partners
Abstract: CUE poster for exhibition at RIT City Art Space (June 3 - July 24, 2022)
Year: 2022
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: Website is still being built out to include all products (our prior documentary, the online exhibit, our future curriculum and mural)

Charles Price Virtual Reality Streetscape (Game/Simulation)
Title: Charles Price Virtual Reality Streetscape
Author: Youth History Ambassadors, artists, RIT faculty and students (listed on YouTube 360 description)
Abstract: The Charles Price Virtual Reality Streetscape is an interpretive, interactive experience designed to give you a sense of the vibrancy of the Clarissa Street neighborhood as it existed before Urban Renewal. The experience is named in tribute to Charles Price (1923-2021), Rochester’s first Black police officer, who wanted to create a way to see beyond the current landscape and look around old Clarissa Street. INSTRUCTIONS: Viewable in 3D Oculus VR headset or on any smartphone. As the user turns their view, you can follow along with the narrators via the animated cues that pop up.
Year: 2022
Primary URL:
Access Model: Open access via TeenEmpowerentTV YouTube channel
Source Available?: No

Slideshow of images of CUE intergenerational planning process (Exhibition)
Title: Slideshow of images of CUE intergenerational planning process
Curator: Youth & Elders with Humanities Scholars
Abstract: Images with captions displaying the energy & scope of the exhibition and in-depth collaborative planning process. (Includes imagery of the final temporary exhibition product as well)
Year: 2022

Repair Harm Tag Wall--visitor responses/comments (Exhibition)
Title: Repair Harm Tag Wall--visitor responses/comments
Curator: CUE visitors
Abstract: At the end of the Clarissa Uprooted Exhibit, an 8'x8' wall with Sharpie markers invited visitors to share their reflections and/or ideas for how we repair harm created through the Clarissa Uprooted story.
Year: 2022

Community Conversations Facilitators Guide for CUE Group Visits (Course or Curricular Material)
Title: Community Conversations Facilitators Guide for CUE Group Visits
Author: Teen Empowerment
Abstract: Interactive facilitators guide created to assist groups who visited the Clarissa Uprooted to debrief their experience, making connections to their own families' experiences and to apply lessons we need for today. (This version of the guide was used with youth by youth. 55 groups of all ages, races, professions, geographic upbringing in the region, etc. attended the exhibit. Approx. half of the conversations were self-facilitated (via a more streamlined guide) and half were facilitated by a Teen Empowerment youth history ambassador).
Year: 2022
Audience: General Public

Varied media coverage of Clarissa Uprooted (TV, radio, online & print articles) (Film/TV/Video Broadcast or Recording)
Title: Varied media coverage of Clarissa Uprooted (TV, radio, online & print articles)
Writer: various authors
Director: various
Producer: various platforms
Abstract: Media coverage of Clarissa Uprooted from 2021-22 has been significant. See supporting materials for list with links.
Year: 2022
Access Model: Open access (w/ exception of some newspapers)
Format: Video
Format: Digital File
Format: Web
Format: Other

Virtual Tour: Clarissa Uprooted Exhibit (Exhibition)
Title: Virtual Tour: Clarissa Uprooted Exhibit
Curator: Intergenerational collaborative team
Abstract: Exhibit Project Manager and 4th generation resident of the Third Ward, Mekko Griffin Mongeon, guides this virtual tour of Clarissa Uprooted: Unearthing Stories of Our Village (1940s-early 1970s) as it appeared at RIT City Art Space, June 3 - July 24, 2022.
Year: 2022
Primary URL:
Primary URL Description: Clarissa Uprooted: The Exhibit Virtual Tour