
Public Programs: America's Historical and Cultural Organizations: Planning Grants

Period of Performance

4/1/2010 - 3/31/2011

Funding Totals

$40,000.00 (approved)
$40,000.00 (awarded)

Continuity & Change: African American Life and Culture on a Barrier Island of GA: 1760-1900

FAIN: GE-50191-10

Ossabaw Island Foundation (Savannah, GA 31401-3726)
Paul Moffatt Pressly (Project Director: August 2009 to September 2011)

Planning for an interpretive exhibit, outdoor signs, off-site interpretation, and education programs concerning an African American community on Ossabaw Island, its continuities and changes from enslavement to emancipation and into the 20th century.

Develop a long-term outdoor interpretive exhibit on Ossabaw Island, GA. The site will relate the historical experience of an African American community over two centuries, and provide a platform to discuss the community's multiple connections to the broader Atlantic world. Interpretive planning will address development of on-site (island) interpretation, off-site (mainland) interpretation and standards-based educational materials. Two themes will be explored: Continuity and change over time of Ossabaw's African American community from enslavement through emancipation into the beginning of the twentieth century. Continuity and change in community relocation from a barrier island to the mainland community. Funds will be used to assemble a team of uniquely qualified consultants and key advisors to enhance the humanities themes and define interpretive techniques. Activities include conducting archival and genealogical research, oral history and front-end audience research.