
Public Programs: America's Historical and Cultural Organizations: Planning Grants

Period of Performance

8/1/2010 - 2/28/2011

Funding Totals

$65,000.00 (approved)
$65,000.00 (awarded)

From Bluegrass to Broadway: A Film History of America's Popular Music

FAIN: GE-50340-10

Tribeca Film Institute (New York, NY 10013-2376)
Timothy Gunn (Project Director: January 2010 to June 2011)

Planning of a six-part series of programs in collaboration with the American Library Association exploring American musical tradition in the 20th century to be offered at 50 libraries.

The project is a six-part public program of lectures, documentary film screenings, presentations, readings and scholar-led discussions with proposed units on the following uniquely American musical traditions: blues and gospel, Broadway, jazz, bluegrass and country, rock, and hip hop. The programs will be offered initially to audiences at 50 nonprofit public venues across the country. Geared to public and university libraries, applications will also be open to other community organizations such as museums, music societies and performing arts centers. The project has assembled an outstanding panel of scholars, library programmers and Internet experts to advise, shape the program, contribute program materials, work with local scholars, and to devise an Internet strategy to reach a wider audience. Humanities disciplines among others include American history and culture, music history, ethnic studies, folklore and musicology.