
Public Programs: America's Historical and Cultural Organizations: Implementation Grants

Period of Performance

4/1/2009 - 2/28/2013

Funding Totals

$350,000.00 (approved)
$350,000.00 (awarded)

American Arcadia: People, Landscape, and Nature at Montgomery Place

FAIN: GI-50074-09

Historic Hudson Valley (Tarrytown, NY 10591-1203)
Kathleen E. Johnson (Project Director: August 2008 to December 2011)
Peter S. Pockriss (Project Director: December 2011 to June 2013)

Implementation of a reinterpretation of a historic country estate, using the experiences of residents and workers to illustrate important turning points in American attitudes toward nature and landscape.

Funding is sought to reinterpret a significant property owned by Historic Hudson Valley (HHV). Using as a focusing device the experiences of four women who shaped this country estate during its 200-year history, the new interpretation will illustrate important turning points in American attitudes toward nature and landscape. As it forges a more integrated, effective way for house museums to interpret the built and natural environments, HHV will strive to help visitors understand how American points of view about landscape and nature have changed over time and why those shifts matter. Project formats include an interpretive tour of the nearly 400-acre site; web-based programs and blog; and publications. The story of Montgomery Place reflects many of the ideas and values that have shaped America's land and people. The project addresses how cultural attitudes toward the natural world determine human actions, and how these actions in turn affect people's environments.

Associated Products

HHV - Montgomery Place American Arcadia - Interpretive Plan (Course or Curricular Material)
Title: HHV - Montgomery Place American Arcadia - Interpretive Plan
Author: Margaret L. Vetare
Author: Jessa J. Krick
Author: Kathleen Eagen Johnson
Abstract: The attached Interpretive Plan has been created to serve as one of the primary training tools for interpreters whose job it is to communicate the history of Montgomery Place to the visiting public. Like most historic sites, Montgomery Place has the potential for exploring many different themes or points in time and for using different methods to convey that information. However, a particular set of themes and methods has been established for Montgomery Place and it is essential that all interpretation should present a consistent message to the visitor. The Interpretive Plan is designed to explain the themes and background information for each area, or station, of the museum. The Interpretive Plan also states the desired learner outcomes (DLOs) we hope will be achieved by visitors at each station, and, where the experience is interpreter-guided as opposed to self-guided, provides suggestions for visitor participation opportunities (VPOs) and dialogue questions in some of the stations. The Interpretive Plan does not attempt to cover all the information that is needed for the effective presentation of Montgomery Place’s themes. Instead, it is one component among several training documents and resources that are important for a thorough understanding of the site and each of its areas. Many people helped in the creation of the Installation Plan, in particular Kathleen Eagen Johnson and Jessa J. Krick. We gratefully acknowledge the support of the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Year: 2012
Audience: K - 12
Audience: Undergraduate

HHV - Montgomery Place American Arcadia - Installation Plan (Course or Curricular Material)
Title: HHV - Montgomery Place American Arcadia - Installation Plan
Author: Kathleen Eagen Johnson
Author: Jessa J. Krick
Author: Margaret L. Vetare
Abstract: This Installation Plan for Montgomery Place focuses on rooms and spaces that will be interpreted as part of the mansion tour. The Installation Plan works in conjunction with the Interpretive Plan. It does not attempt to cover all the information that is needed for the effective presentation of Montgomery Place’s themes. Instead, it is one component among several training documents and resources that are important for a thorough understanding of the site and each of its areas. The photographs included suggest the general atmosphere of the mansion’s interiors and represent many of the objects on display. For a complete list of objects installed in each room, as well as complete documentary photography, see the corresponding set of Montgomery Place Object Information Books. The Installation Plan also contains information about the sixteen interpretive panels installed throughout the Montgomery Place landscape. Many people helped in the creation of the Installation Plan, in particular Margaret L. Vetare and Jessa J. Krick. We gratefully acknowledge the support of the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Year: 2012
Audience: K - 12
Audience: Undergraduate

HHV - Montgomery Place American Arcadia - Interpreter Training Guide (Course or Curricular Material)
Title: HHV - Montgomery Place American Arcadia - Interpreter Training Guide
Author: Margaret L. Vetare
Author: Kathleen Eagen Johnson
Abstract: This Interpreter Training Guide serves as a road map for Montgomery Place tour guides. It incorporates themes of the new interpretation, best practices for museum interpretation, and a recommended reading list.
Year: 2012
Audience: K - 12
Audience: Undergraduate

HHV - Montgomery Place American Arcadia - Landscape Guide (Catalog)
Title: HHV - Montgomery Place American Arcadia - Landscape Guide
Author: Kathleen Eagen Johnson
Abstract: This full-color Landscape Guide is a vital brochure for Montgomery Place visitors. It describes the evolution of the estate with regards to nature and landscape; provides suggested walking routes, and offers a map and description of trails, gardens, and vistas.
Year: 2010
Catalog Type: Exhibition Catalog
Catalog Type: Catalog Raisonné

HHV - Montgomery Place American Arcadia - Outdoor Exhibition Panels (Exhibition)
Title: HHV - Montgomery Place American Arcadia - Outdoor Exhibition Panels
Curator: Kathleen Eagen Johnson
Abstract: Sixteen outdoor exhibition panels throughout the site interpret how people worked, played, and reflected upon this landscape over the centuries. They present background on both extant parts of the estate, like the 20th-century gardens and arboretum, as well as long-vanished resources, including an elaborate 19th-century conservatory and an early hydroelectric power plant. The panels also address some of the interpretive challenges faced by a property that experienced change over time. Through the use of period images, the panels illustrate important features that once existed but are now gone. The panels were designed by Robert Romagnoli, who also designed the way-finding signage program for Montgomery Place.
Year: 2011

HHV - Montgomery Place American Arcadia - Photos of Outdoor Exhibition Panels (Exhibition)
Title: HHV - Montgomery Place American Arcadia - Photos of Outdoor Exhibition Panels
Curator: Margaret L. Vetare
Curator: Kathleen Eagen Johnson
Abstract: This document contains photos of the 16 interpretive panels that were installed throughout Montgomery Place.
Year: 2011

HHV - Montgomery Place American Arcadia - Web Programs (Web Resource)
Title: HHV - Montgomery Place American Arcadia - Web Programs
Author: Kathleen Eagen Johnson
Author: Margaret L. Vetare
Abstract: For continued self-guided learning, HHV developed 10 extensive web programs relating to the reinterpretation. The web programs feature historic and contemporary images, video, primary documents, and audio clips. They present a more in-depth exploration of the new interpretation and draw on the extensive archival collection related to the site.
Year: 2012
Primary URL:

HHV - Montgomery Place American Arcadia - Formative Evaluation of Web Programs (Report)
Title: HHV - Montgomery Place American Arcadia - Formative Evaluation of Web Programs
Author: Catherine H. Harris
Abstract: This report presents the findings from formative evaluation implemented in conjunction with an NEH-funded initiative at Historic Hudson Valley. This April-July 2011 evaluation project focused on two American Arcadia web program prototypes (while the additional eight were in development): Violetta Delafield and Sawkill Creek. With a fundamental desire to garner feedback from the intended audience, on topics ranging from navigability to content, the following goals were used: - Inform the preliminary design process through the participation of intended users - Test program effectiveness in terms of navigability and ease of use - Determine comprehension (not content, but level of repetition and connections) - Assess the viability of the text and images - Open a dialogue about user assumptions (that may guide this project, or future implementation) - Provide insight on overall satisfaction
Date: 08/01/2011

HHV - Montgomery Place American Arcadia - Blog Post 1 (Blog Post)
Title: HHV - Montgomery Place American Arcadia - Blog Post 1
Author: Rob Schweitzer
Abstract: Title: "Handling with care: Some TLC for Montgomery Place paintings"
Date: 03/24/2010
Primary URL:

HHV - Montgomery Place American Arcadia - Blog Post 2 (Blog Post)
Title: HHV - Montgomery Place American Arcadia - Blog Post 2
Author: Rob Schweitzer
Abstract: Title: "What lovely ribbons you have, Cora!"
Date: 07/06/2010
Primary URL:

HHV - Montgomery Place American Arcadia - Blog Post 3 (Blog Post)
Title: HHV - Montgomery Place American Arcadia - Blog Post 3
Author: Rob Schweitzer
Abstract: Title: "Open Space Institute award connects intern Aaron Ahlstrom with Montgomery Place"
Date: 08/04/2010
Primary URL:

HHV - Montgomery Place American Arcadia - Blog Post 4 (Blog Post)
Title: HHV - Montgomery Place American Arcadia - Blog Post 4
Author: Aaron Ahlstrom
Abstract: Title: "Stereoscopic: Getting 3D at Montgomery Place"
Date: 09/23/2010
Primary URL:

HHV - Montgomery Place American Arcadia - Blog Post 5 (Blog Post)
Title: HHV - Montgomery Place American Arcadia - Blog Post 5
Author: Aaron Ahlstrom
Abstract: Title: "En Plein Air at Montgomery Place"
Date: 11/01/2010
Primary URL:

HHV - Montgomery Place American Arcadia - Blog Post 6 (Blog Post)
Title: HHV - Montgomery Place American Arcadia - Blog Post 6
Author: Aaron Ahlstrom
Abstract: Title: "A different way of seeing at Montgomery Place"
Date: 11/04/2010
Primary URL:

HHV - Montgomery Place American Arcadia - Blog Post 7 (Blog Post)
Title: HHV - Montgomery Place American Arcadia - Blog Post 7
Author: Rob Schweitzer
Abstract: Title: "Super sledding at Montgomery Place"
Date: 02/08/2011
Primary URL:

HHV - Montgomery Place American Arcadia - Mobile App (Web Resource)
Title: HHV - Montgomery Place American Arcadia - Mobile App
Author: Karen M. Sharman
Author: Jessa J. Krick
Author: Ross W. Higgins
Author: Jill Mosebach
Author: Karen Walton Morse
Abstract: Continuing its organizational strategy of using digital technology to attract and engage visitors, Historic Hudson Valley created a mobile app entitled "Montgomery Place: An American Arcadia." Designed for use by on-site visitors as well as off-site learners, this free mobile app serves as a contemporary alternative to traditional printed guidebooks and audio tours. It allows self-guided visitors to see additional images and historic footage related to 18 points of interest on the landscape of the estate. The app serves to enrich the self-guided experience and draw people to parts of the estate that they otherwise might have missed. It also enables visitors to view a virtual tour of the mansion when the mansion is closed. The app supports the overall interpretive themes, provides a quick reference of “who’s who at Montgomery Place,” gives three self-guided tour routes of varying lengths, captures seasonality at the site, and offers historic footage.
Year: 2013
Primary URL:

HHV - Montgomery Place American Arcadia - Online Exhibition 1 (Exhibition)
Title: HHV - Montgomery Place American Arcadia - Online Exhibition 1
Curator: Karen Walton Morse
Abstract: This library exhibition, entitled “A Garden in Print,” allows visitors to page through more than 30 rare books from the Montgomery Place library that represent major trends in agronomy, environmental conservation, horticulture, landscape architecture, and nature-based scientific study and writing.
Year: 2013
Primary URL:

HHV - Montgomery Place American Arcadia - Online Exhibition 2 (Exhibition)
Title: HHV - Montgomery Place American Arcadia - Online Exhibition 2
Curator: Jessa J. Krick
Abstract: This online print exhibition, entitled “America’s River: Images of the Hudson from the William and Ruth Diebold Collection,” uses print images of the Hudson River Valley to address the theme of Americans’ relationship to the river, which is an integral part of the Montgomery Place setting. The exhibition, drawn from an important gift of prints, touches on Americans’ attitudes toward the river and its multiplicity of uses for transportation and agriculture, its value in terms of natural beauty and as a cradle for American history, and, finally, as a proving ground for technology.
Year: 2013
Primary URL: