
Public Programs: Humanities Projects in Museums and Historical Organizations

Period of Performance

8/1/1975 - 1/31/2013

Funding Totals

$120,000.00 (approved)
$120,000.00 (awarded)

Futures, Continuing the American Experiment: A Major Bicentennial Exhibition on Alternative American Futures

FAIN: GM-10483-75

Fairbanks Museum and Planetarium (St. Johnsbury, VT 05819-2248)
William G. Brown (Project Director: August 1975 to present)

To provide interpretive materials, devices and objects which will permit Bicentennial visitors to examine; 1) the physical and social limits to the continued application of many existing technologies; 2) the need to choose new technologies and/or lifestyles; 3) the human values and ethical considerations which are related to these choices; and 4) the economic, social and cultural opportunities which could resul+ from a renewal of the "American Experiment".