
Public Programs: Humanities Projects in Museums and Historical Organizations

Period of Performance

1/1/1986 - 12/31/1987

Funding Totals

$137,189.00 (approved)
$137,189.00 (awarded)

The Constitution: Its Impact on Men and Women in the Early Nineteenth Century

FAIN: GM-23023-86

Old Sturbridge, Inc. (Sturbridge, MA 01566-1138)
Warren Leon (Project Director: June 1985 to August 1988)

To support a series of interpretive programs for general audiences exploring how the Constitution was taught, comprehended, and implemented as a symbol and a model in early 19th-century America.

Associated Products

Commentaries: An 1830's View of the Constitution (Book)
Title: Commentaries: An 1830's View of the Constitution
Author: Leon, Warren
Publisher: Old Sturbridge Village
Type: Single author monograph