
Public Programs: Humanities Projects in Museums and Historical Organizations

Period of Performance

7/1/1988 - 2/28/1989

Funding Totals

$32,108.00 (approved)
$32,108.00 (awarded)

Nuevo Mundo: Images of Man and Nature in Pre-Columbian Art

FAIN: GM-23627-88

Art Institute of Chicago (Chicago, IL 60603-6488)
Richard Townsend (Project Director: December 1987 to July 1989)

To support planning for an exhibition, catalogue, and programs that explore theintellectual and aesthetic foundations of ancient New World civilizations.

Associated Products

Connections sacred landscapes in the ancient Americas (Book)
Title: Connections sacred landscapes in the ancient Americas
Author: Townsend, Richard
Publisher: Art Institute of Chicago
Type: Single author monograph