
Public Programs: Humanities Projects in Museums and Historical Organizations

Period of Performance

7/1/1988 - 6/30/1989

Funding Totals

$69,970.00 (approved)
$69,970.00 (awarded)

The Lower East Side Immigrant Heritage Trail: A Social History Walking Tour Series

FAIN: GM-23693-88

Lower East Side Tenement Museum, Inc. (New York, NY 10002-3102)
Ruth J. Abram (Project Director: December 1987 to June 1990)

To support planning for a series of "living history" walking tours interpretingsix immigrant communities that existed on New York City's Lower East Side from 1850 to 1910.

The Conservancy seeks NEH funding to develop THE LOWER EAST SIDE IMMIGRANT HERITAGE TRAIL, a series of "living history", social history walking tours which present and interpret the lives of members of six immigrant communities which lived on the Lower East Side from 1850-1910: Free Afro-American, Irish, German, Jewish, Chinese and Italian. Set in the context of New York City, U.S. and world history, and led by costumed interpreters, the tours explore the daily lives of "ordinary" members of these six immigrant groups and the major institutions, events and leaders in their communities.