Alexander Hamilton
FAIN: GN-50300-04
Twin Cities Public Television, Inc. (St. Paul, MN 55101-1492)
Catherine M. Allan (Project Director: November 2003 to April 2008)
Production of a two-part television documentary on Alexander Hamilton, architect of a modern American economy, champion of a strong central government, and leader of one of the nation's first political parties.
Media Coverage
The Man on the Ten-Dollar Bill (Media Coverage)
Author(s): Nancy Dewolf Smith
Publication: The Wall Street Journal
Date: 5/11/2007
Abstract: There is only so much you can cram into a two-hour documentary, and "Alexander Hamilton" (PBS, Monday 9-11 p.m. ET, but check local listings) is a necessarily potted account of the man often called America's most controversial Founding Father. In this edition of the "American Experience" series, Hamilton's psychology and peccadilloes get plenty of attention. Yet it's his public life and the policies he pushed that are the most interesting. We're still feeling the fallout today.
“What’s most fascinating in all this is the inevitable comparison between then and now, and how the war of ideas that began soon after the new nation was established is still very much with us. Only the names and combatants have changed.” — The Wall Street Journal
American Experience: Alexander Hamilton (Review)
Author(s): Irv Letofsky
Publication: Hollywood Reporter
Date: 7/14/2007
Abstract: "It’s solidly turned by Twin Cities Public TV in association with Middlemarch Films, as produced-directed by Muffie Meyer and smartly written by Ronald H. Blumer." - Hollywood Reporter
Hamilton: Passionate, puzzling founding father (Review)
Author(s): Hal Boedeker
Publication: Orlando Sentinel
Date: 5/13/2007
Abstract: “This is no dry history lesson. This is the past presented with theatrical flourish… handsome, stylish.” — Orlando Sentinel
Hamilton, Smeared by Scandal, Lands on $10 Bill (Review)
Author(s): Dave Shiflett
Publication: Bloomberg News
Date: 5/14/2007
Abstract: “a captivating look at the dynamic yet flawed father of federalism” — Bloomberg
Associated Products
Alexander Hamilton (Film/TV/Video Broadcast or Recording)Title: Alexander Hamilton
Writer: Ronald H. Blumer
Director: Muffie Meyer
Producer: Catherine Allan
Producer: Muffie Meyer
Producer: Ronald H. Blumer
Producer: Sharon Sachs
Producer: Eric Seuel Davies
Producer: Julia Morrison
Abstract: A two-part series about one of America’s most influential and controversial founding fathers — Alexander Hamilton: self-made man, war hero, statesman, financial visionary and political lightning rod. Hamilton was a leading force behind the Constitution, the architect of a modern economy in America, champion of a strong central government and effective military, and leader of one of the country’s first political parties. Yet today, Hamilton and his accomplishments are neither widely understood nor appreciated.
Year: 2007
Primary URL: URL Description: This website consists of a description of the film, including a transcript, special features, such as exclusive video, quizzes and polls, a photo gallery, timeline, educational resources for teachers and more.
Primary URL Description: This website includes a description of the film, including a transcript, special features, such as exclusive video, quizzes and polls, a photo gallery, timeline, educational resources for teachers and more.
Format: DVD
Format: Film
Format: Web