Integrating Digital Humanities into the Web of Scholarship with SHARE: An Exploration of Requirements
FAIN: HAA-256187-17
Association of Research Libraries (Washington, DC 20036-1543)
Judy Ruttenberg (Project Director: January 2017 to March 2021)
Cynthia Hudson-Vitale (Co Project Director: May 2017 to March 2021)
Participating institutions:
Association of Research Libraries (Washington, DC) - Applicant/Recipient
Washington University in St. Louis (St. Louis, MO) - Participating Institution
A series of activities to adapt the SHared Access Research Ecosystem (SHARE) platform that enhances the discoverability of scholarship for use by humanities faculty and librarians.
This project will develop a plan to optimize the SHARE aggregator and data set for digital humanities in consultation with scholars, institutions, and centers. A digital humanities project may produce more than one book or article manuscript, each published on a different publisher’s website, any number of pre-prints on institutional repositories or pre-print servers, data sets and code books on Dryad or Figshare, and text mining or cleaning scripts on github. Such project components may be housed semi-permanently in web-publishing platforms like Omeka without formal integration with library discovery systems or other services to link them to similar projects. The SHARE platform links scholarly activity across the research lifecycle and makes it available as enhanced, free, open metadata. The project team will administer a survey, conduct focus groups, and engage with the humanities community to detail requirements and prototype applications for digital scholarship curation.
Associated Products
SHARE-ing Omeka in the Web of Digital Scholarship (Conference Paper/Presentation)Title: SHARE-ing Omeka in the Web of Digital Scholarship
Author: Michael Roth, Heather Froehlich, Cynthia Vitale
Abstract: The SHARE Project needed to gather descriptive information from publicly available Digital Humanities projects in a way that could be easily uploaded into their database. The best way to do so was by using freely available web scraping tools to extract metadata such as titles, descriptions, and organizations. Projects build using Omeka CMS were the primary focus of measuring success of the tools.
Date: 07/25/19
Primary URL: Name: ACH2019
SHARE DH PROJECT (Conference Paper/Presentation)Title: SHARE DH PROJECT
Author: Joanne Paterson
Abstract: Presentation on Share and the ongoing work with integrating DH given at the Access 2018 conference in Hamilton, Ontario
Date: 10/12/18
Primary URL: Name: Access 2018