DH from an Indigenous Perspective: Strengthening Partnerships between Indigenous Communities, Scholars, Museums, and Archives
FAIN: HAA-258754-18
University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA 19104-6205)
Christina E. Frei (Project Director: June 2017 to March 2024)
Timothy B. Powell (Co Project Director: February 2018 to November 2018)
The study of how four Indigenous communities, with whom this team
collaborated on a Digital Humanities Start-Up Grant to digitally repatriate
archival materials, have used those materials in culture and language
revitalization efforts.
This grant proposes to study how four Indigenous partners built digital
archives based on Indigenous epistemologies and how they are using the
materials for cultural and language revitalization. The grant will also support
DH projects being constructed by the four communities using the digitally
repatriated materials, which reflect how DH tools and theories take on very
different forms when incorporated into Indigenous knowledge systems.
Associated Products
Native Voices (Conference/Institute/Seminar)Title: Native Voices
LaDonna Brave Bull Allard, founder of the first resistance camp at Standing Rock, joins Native American and First Nations language teachers for a two-day conference at Penn focused on the revitalization of Indigenous languages and culture.
Last month, the Penn community welcomed a group of research partners from Native American and First Nations tribal communities for two days of meetings, workshops, and a lecture presented by the Penn Language Center’s Educational Partnerships with Indigenous Communities, or EPIC.
Date Range: April 2019
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