
Digital Humanities: Digital Humanities Advancement Grants

Period of Performance

9/1/2021 - 5/31/2024

Funding Totals

$99,981.00 (approved)
$99,981.00 (awarded)

Yo Soy Porque Tú Eres: recursos para el aprendizaje de Español en contexto (resources for teaching Spanish in context)

FAIN: HAA-280976-21

Fort Lewis College (Durango, CO 81301-3908)
Janine Marie Fitzgerald (Project Director: January 2021 to present)
Carolina Alonso (Co Project Director: June 2021 to present)

Development of a free online OER (open educational resource) for teaching Spanish language using humanities collections and cultural experiences of Latinx in the US for all learners. 

Yo Soy Porque Tú Eres: recursos para el aprendizaje de Español en contexto (I Am Because You Are: resources for teaching Spanish in context) project will be a free digital platform that promotes U.S. Hispano/Latinx texts as resources to learn Spanish in the undergraduate classroom. The platform is organized around both themes of identity, trauma and resistance, and traditional knowledge and around skill levels. The platform provides digital pedagogical tools to allow students to not only analyze the texts, but to also tell their own stories in Spanish. We also encourage users to submit content and ideas to increase performance and robustness.

Associated Products

YYo Soy Porque Tú Eres: Learning Spanish through cultural and community lenses (Article)
Title: YYo Soy Porque Tú Eres: Learning Spanish through cultural and community lenses
Author: The Fort Report
Abstract: The Fort Report describes how DHAG recipient Carolina Alonso is hiring undergraduate students to find archives from the Center for SW studies Library to use in the digital Spanish learning platform, Yo soy porque tu eres.
Year: 2022
Primary URL: http://
Access Model: open access
Format: Magazine
Periodical Title: The Fort Report
Publisher: Fort Lewis College