Enslaved Africans and Balochis on the Arabian Peninsula, 1926-1938
FAIN: HB-251279-17
Alaine Hutson
Huston-Tillotson College (Austin, TX 78702-2753)
Completion of a book on the history of slavery on the Arabian peninsula.
I will spend a year writing full-time to produce a manuscript on slavery on the Arabian Peninsula. I am asking for support for the last 7 months. In four chapters and an epilogue I will describe and analyze the lives of African and Baloch slaves including a short history of Africans’ presence in Arabia and the Makran Coast (Balochistan), an examination of slaves' specific ethnic and national origins, a description of the “seasoning” process for Arabian Peninsula slaves, an analysis of slave naming and exchanging practices, and detail of slaves’ work lives, families, and networks. This research contends that the power dynamics of slave holder-enslaved coupled with abolitionist and global economic pressures resulted in Arabian slaveholder practices and patterns that were in some ways similar to those of Atlantic slavery. This research will be disseminated as a published monograph intended for students and scholars of slavery and Middle East and South Asian Studies.