
Research Programs: Awards for Faculty

Period of Performance

1/1/2020 - 6/30/2020

Funding Totals

$30,000.00 (approved)
$30,000.00 (awarded)

The Texture of Change; Cloth, Commerce and History in Western Africa, 1700-1850

FAIN: HB-263188-19

Jody Arthur Benjamin
Regents of the University of California, Riverside (Riverside, CA 92521-0001)

A book-length study about the history of textile commerce and consumption in western Africa during the 18th and 19th centuries.

The Texture of Change re-examines social and economic change of the 18th and early 19th centuries across a broad region of western Africa from Senegal to Sierra Leone through its history of textile commerce and consumption. Historiographical debates for this region have obscured full consideration of the multiple ways west African societies engaged global exchange beyond Atlantic slaving. This research illuminates Africans’ varied engagements with a major trade that was effectively global in scale. It argues that they were critical actors during this period of global integration — contributing in their own right to the birth of the modern era. Far from being driven solely by external demands for labor or raw commodities, this process was heavily influenced by local conditions and patterns of social and market relations. This study offers insights into a diverse array of historical actors across ethnic, religious and imperial lines in western Africa.

Associated Products

Memory in Fragments, Layers and Sound: Tracing the History of Bamana Kaarta in the Eighteenth Century (Conference Paper/Presentation)
Title: Memory in Fragments, Layers and Sound: Tracing the History of Bamana Kaarta in the Eighteenth Century
Author: Jody Benjamin
Abstract: This paper will discuss convergence and dissonance across a range of sources for Bamana-speaking Kaarta, a non-Muslim led polity in the West African Sahel that sat at the intersection between networks of trans-Saharan and Atlantic trading networks in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. In response to a generalized lack of attention to Africa in narratives of early modern history, Africanists have emphasized the parallel and interconnected nature of processes unfolding in continental Africa with those elsewhere, while at the same time pointing out distinctive qualities that modify or qualify larger Atlantic or global trends. Though indispensable for historians, African oral and European written sources for the West African Sahel were created for distinct purposes, organized around divergent premises and centered different audiences. Limits imposed by available sources and certain conceptual frameworks have continued to pose significant challenges— especially for incorporating the historical experiences of non-elites, and of relations across gender, ethnicity and other forms of socially constructed difference. How should historians of western Africa approach these sources to illuminate the complexity and contingency of earlier contexts for a polity heavily reliant on mercenary warfare in the larger economy of slaving while also asserting itself within a religiously and culturally heterogeneous region? This paper will argue that comparative close readings, and contextualization of traditional oral narratives, archival documents and material sources can produce historical insight submerged within these sources about the beliefs, attitudes and assumptions about the people of Kaarta and their dynamic interactions with a wider world.
Date: 01/30/2020
Conference Name: Early History of Africa Symposium: New Narratives for a History of Connections and Brokers, UCLA,