
Digital Humanities: Cooperative Agreements and Special Projects (Digital Humanities)

Period of Performance

1/1/2017 - 8/31/2021

Funding Totals

$274,803.00 (approved)
$274,802.92 (awarded)

Object Lessons: Current Topics for a General Readership

FAIN: HC-254417-17

Georgia Tech Research Corporation (Atlanta, GA 30318-6395)
Ian Bogost (Project Director: September 2016 to October 2022)
Christopher Schaberg (Co Project Director: November 2016 to October 2022)

Participating institutions:
Georgia Tech Research Corporation (Atlanta, GA) - Applicant/Recipient
Loyola University, New Orleans (New Orleans, LA) - Participating Institution

Funding details:
Original grant (2017) $249,680.00
Supplement (2019) $25,123.00
Supplement (2022) ($0.08)

A cooperative agreement to support a professional development institute for scholars interested in writing and publishing about technology and digital culture for public audiences. The institute includes four, two-day workshops led by humanities scholars and representatives from commercial and academic publishers.

Given current scholarship trends in the humanities, shifting expectations for tenure and promotion, and new publishing platforms cropping up for scholars and public intellectuals, this series of two-day seminars will focus on writing for a general readership—with a focus on contemporary technological subjects. Lectures and practical workshops from the organizers, as well as visiting experts in journalism, publishing (trade and academic), will cover pitching, proposing, and crafting essays and book manuscripts.
The hosts are Ian Bogost and Christopher Schaberg, founding editors of the Object Lessons essay and book series published by The Atlantic and Bloomsbury. Bogost and Schaberg will draw from their experiences to help participants navigate the new frontiers of academic publishing and increasing pressures on the humanities to make its work legible to broad audiences.