3D Printing as Humanistic Inquiry
FAIN: HD-248450-16
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (Troy, NY 12180-3590)
James W. Malazita (Project Director: September 2015 to May 2019)
Dean Andrew Nieusma (Co Project Director: March 2016 to May 2019)
A set of experiments with 3D printing and a three-day workshop in which scholars explore the philosophical and practical implications of fabrication and “making” in a humanities context.
This project brings together scholars at various stages of their careers from across the Humanities and Digital Humanities to participate in an intensive three-day 3D Making and Critique workshop and follow-on research. The project's goal is to materially brainstorm printed artifacts that serve as critical investigations, while providing time for reflection upon the broader social and environmental contexts of the 3D printing process. The intended results of the project will be to produce and disseminate early-stage critical objects, to generate reflexive theory and critique about 3D printing and making practices, to connect Humanities scholars across both the making and critical bodies of humanistic scholarship, and to create an action plan for collaborative written and made scholarship targeted for publication in open-access presses and exhibitions.
Media Coverage
Corridor of Creativity Provides Windows Into HASS (Media Coverage)
Publication: Inside Rensselaer
Date: 11/21/2017
Abstract: A description of the "Corridor of Creativity," a new making and design initiative hosted by the School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences at RPI. "3D Printing as Humanistic Inquiry" is featured prominently.
URL: http://www.insiderensselaer.com/corridor-of-creativity-provides-windows-into-hass/#respond